: ECTS Documents

ECTS Documents

The ECTS Grading System

The European Credit Transfer System is basically divided into two:

ECTS Credits: This is the basis of the ECTS system. According to this system, courses offered on the education plan must be equal to 60 ECTS credits for one academic year. This means that courses offered in one semester must equal to 30 ECTS credits. Workload is the criteria used for allocating the amount of credits to the courses. The workload of a course is calculated on the basis of the time a student spends for the number of weekly course hours, seminars, practical studies, field studies, research projects, thesis, and individual studies at home or library. All of these criteria are used for defining course ECTS credits. For example, if a course involving a relatively low amount of weekly course hours also requires intensive study and research at home or in the library, its credit may be higher than a course which has a higher number of  weekly course hours. The most important point is that ECTS credits are determined by the workload. At all departments of Dokuz Eylul University, 1 ECTS credit is accepted as 25 hours of workload and ECTS credits of courses and education plans of the programmes are prepared accordingly.

The ECTS Grading System: One of the frequent problems encountered in mobility programmes at higher education institutions is the use of different rating systems for evaluating student success. It can vary from institution to institution in different countries, so the students can face difficulties. To eliminate this problem, a transparent system has been constituted. You can find the table which shows the grading systems and provisions on the basis of countries at:

Form documents on Erasmus programs :